
How broker Julio Lerma at Keller Williams listed $5M in one quarter using Buildout Insights

Julio Lerma is a successful broker with nearly two decades of experience in the Laredo, TX, real estate market. In 2018, he took an opportunity with Keller Williams to launch his own team, Luxe Realty Group, which follows the Millionaire Real Estate (MRE) model developed by Gary Keller.

For most of his career, Julio has relied on repeat business and referrals from past clients, which was more than enough to sustain his business. But, when he adopted the MRE model, he decided to hire a prospecting professional to find otherwise hidden opportunities. And when his team joined KW Commercial in 2021, he was introduced to Buildout Insights formerly known as ProspectNow.

“I've tried many, many software programs that provide phone numbers for the properties, and Buildout Insights is the most accurate I’ve ever used,” Julio says.

Julio’s team saw a 74% increase in the number of real estate listings across just one quarter of using the solution. “In Q4 of 2021, we listed about $5 million worth of real estate just by using the platform.”

Without Buildout Insights, Julio says he, his team, and the property owners they represented could have missed countless opportunities.

“We listed three apartment complexes and a reception hall, which were all top dollar commercial properties,” he says. “By using Buildout Insights, we basically created listings from nothing — all because the platform gave us an accurate phone number, and I have someone on my team who was able to encourage them not to waste their expired listing. Before us, no one else had even reached out to them.”

Before using Buildout Insights, Julio wasn’t sure about the value of prospecting tools. He knew calling expired listings could generate business, but finding accurate phone numbers and other contact information was too difficult to make the effort worthwhile.

But with Buildout Insights, finding ripe opportunities among expired listings and FSBO properties is a breeze. That, combined with a great prospecting professional and ambitious team of brokers, is why Julio’s brokerage finished the year with so much success.

“For me,” he says. “It’s very powerful.”

Learn how you can access the most accurate contact information available with Buildout Insights.

The secret weapon top brokers use to win more deals

Over 22,000 CRE brokers use Buildout to find, win, and sell or lease more listings faster. Stand out as a broker with record-breaking commissions to take your win rate to the next level. Request a personalized, no-obligation demo today.