Congratulations! You scored between 81 and 100 points, meaning you are a leader in your commercial real estate craft.
Nice work! You scored between 61 and 80 points, meaning you are strategic in your commercial real estate craft.
You scored between 26 and 60 points, meaning you are emergent in your commercial real estate craft.
You scored 25 points, meaning you are unstructured in your commercial real estate craft.
These benchmarks are based off of results from a survey conducted by Buildout.
You are the go-to expert in your market, and your clients view you as a trusted advisor who is always using state-of-the-art technology and processes to serve them best. Why should you keep it up? You’re…
Never stop innovating on the ways you serve your clients through technology and processes. And if you’re part of a team, be the champion and in-house CRE tech expert so you can share your best practices to help other brokers grow and succeed.
You’ve implemented some technology and best practices to help you manage your business more effectively. However, not using the right technology and processes can still put you a competitive disadvantage. Why is a change in order? You’re probably…
While you’re on par with/slightly above the average commercial real estate broker score, why settle for average? Here are some ways you can push yourself into the next tier and more importantly, become the go-to broker in your market.
If you scored between 26 and 60 points, that means you aren’t taking full advantage of all of the technology and best practices available to you to effectively manage your business. Why is a change in order? You’re probably…
Don’t worry! We’re here to help. Here are some ways you can improve your score and serve your clients better.
If you scored 25 points, that means you aren’t taking full advantage of all of the technology and best practices available to you to effectively manage your business. Why is a change in order?
You’re probably…
Don’t worry! We’re here to help. Here are some ways you can improve your score and serve your clients better.