
Thanks for taking the assessment!

See your results
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Your results

Congratulations! You scored between 81 and 100 points, meaning you are a leader in your commercial real estate craft.

Nice work! You scored between 61 and 80 points, meaning you are strategic in your commercial real estate craft.

You scored between 26 and 60 points, meaning you are emergent in your commercial real estate craft.

You scored 25 points, meaning you are unstructured in your commercial real estate craft.

How you scored compared to other CRE brokers

These benchmarks are based off of results from a survey conducted by Buildout.

Average CRE broker
Average CRE broker using a CRM
Average CRE broker not using a CRM

Current State

You are the go-to expert in your market, and your clients view you as a trusted advisor who is always using state-of-the-art technology and processes to serve them best. Why should you keep it up? You’re…

  • Spending little to no time doing manual data research and entry so you can spend most, if not all, of your time impressing clients and finding new opportunities
  • Getting predictive insights from your data on people and properties so you can reach out to the right people at the right time and close deals with greater velocity
  • Reaching out to contacts on curated call lists instead of wasting time figuring out who to call/email and what to say, which enables you to make deeper connections faster
  • Able to have clear visibility into your entire pipeline and the necessary actions to drive each deal forward, helping you identify your next deal and prioritize deals that are more likely to close

Future State

Never stop innovating on the ways you serve your clients through technology and processes. And if you’re part of a team, be the champion and in-house CRE tech expert so you can share your best practices to help other brokers grow and succeed.

  • And leaders: we want to talk to you! We’d love to hear how you are using technology every day to stay at the top of your game. Sharing your insights will not only spread valuable knowledge throughout the commercial brokerage community, but will further enhance your reputation among your past, present, and future clients.
  • Email us and share your insights.

Current State

You’ve implemented some technology and best practices to help you manage your business more effectively. However, not using the right technology and processes can still put you a competitive disadvantage. Why is a change in order? You’re probably…

  • Spending large amounts of time and effort manually inputting new and updating existing data, which diverts attention away from important revenue-generating activities
  • Using a generic CRM that doesn’t speak your language, which takes a long time to familiarize yourself with and requires heavy, expensive customization work
  • Stringing together multiple pieces of technology to prospect, which can lead to siloed/stale data, untimely (or missed) communication, and ultimately lost deals
  • Tracking deal progress in one centralized location, but not receiving a holistic picture of your entire pipeline and which deals are the most important to prioritize

Future State

While you’re on par with/slightly above the average commercial real estate broker score, why settle for average? Here are some ways you can push yourself into the next tier and more importantly, become the go-to broker in your market.

  • With Technology: Invest in a CRE-specific CRM like Buildout CRM. And if you need some proof that generic CRMs just won’t cut it, then read this case study to hear from real brokers.
  • With Processes: Even if you decide to invest in state-of-the-art commercial real estate technology, it’s important to finetune basic broker skills like marketing, networking, communication, and more.

Current State

If you scored between 26 and 60 points, that means you aren’t taking full advantage of all of the technology and best practices available to you to effectively manage your business. Why is a change in order? You’re probably…

  • Spending copious amounts of time sifting through rows and rows of data in a spreadsheet instead of actually reaching out to clients when a property that fits their needs becomes available
  • Emailing/calling outdated email addresses/phone numbers or, worse yet, reaching out to the same client who just heard from your teammate, making your team look disorganized and your competitors look more attractive
  • Struggling to locate notes from your conversations, and therefore not knowing when you last spoke to someone, forgetting what you talked about, and wondering when you need to reach out next
  • Forgetting important deal follow-ups because reminders are buried in a spreadsheet, which results in longer deal timelines and losing commission to competitors

Future State

Don’t worry! We’re here to help. Here are some ways you can improve your score and serve your clients better.

  • With Technology: Consider investing in a CRE-specific CRM like Buildout CRM. Not ready to take the leap (even though we’ll help make your transition seamless)? Make sure you’re at least using a cloud-based spreadsheet to save yourself some headaches, or consider using some of these Excel shortcuts to save you some time and effort.
  • With Processes: Block time on your calendar every day to update your spreadsheets.Especially if you’re sharing a master pipeline spreadsheet across your team, you want tomake sure your notes from client interactions and deal progress are always as up to date as possible so you don’t step on anyone’s toes/duplicate efforts and damage your team’s reputation.

Current State

If you scored 25 points, that means you aren’t taking full advantage of all of the technology and best practices available to you to effectively manage your business. Why is a change in order?

You’re probably…

  • Spending more time collecting data on properties and people than you are actually using that data to find new opportunities
  • Wasting countless hours shuffling through hand-written records to find someone’s contact info, instead of spending that time making phone calls, sending targeted emails, and making deeper connections with those people
  • Not keeping a record of who you talked to and when, which means you won’t have any context for future conversations with those same people
  • Losing sticky notes and accidentally deleting emails, causing you to forget to follow up with clients and thus dragging on a deal timeline or worse, losing a deal altogether

Future State

Don’t worry! We’re here to help. Here are some ways you can improve your score and serve your clients better.

  • With Technology: Consider investing in a CRE-specific CRM like Buildout CRM. Not ready to take the leap (even though we’ll help make your transition seamless)? Consider using Excel—or better yet, a cloud-based solution like Google Sheets—to manage your client contact info and track deal progress.
  • With Processes: Block time on your calendar to cold call, send emails, record notes from your conversations, update deal progress in a spreadsheet, etc. And with a CRM, you’ll get reminders for important activities sent directly to you so you never miss a beat.

Get more insights from your data by making it work for you

We hope that you found this exercise insightful and inspiring, and if you’re ready to see your score improve significantly, request a demo today.